日本余市蒸餾所限定版 威士忌酒辦仔禮盒裝 - 3款x 50ml

HKD 750.00HKD 558.00


剩餘: 5


余市威士忌蒸餾所限定版 - Nikka Whisky Set 50ml x 3支 日本🇯🇵威士忌🥃嘅酒辦仔套,今次又搵到日本余市蒸餾所嘅限定版嘅酒辦仔,裏面包括有余市,竹鶴,宮城峽,而家真係買少見了。 日威在世界🌏出現差唔多夠一個世紀嘅釀酒歷史,日本威士忌的精妙處,在於擁有自己獨一無二的個性,並將他們細緻的工藝情操融入其中。 自從日本威士忌價錢不停咁⤴️升,大家係咪好耐都唔捨得飲返支,之前買落嘅余市🥃同竹鶴嘅🥃威士忌呢,今次可以一次過可以試晒3款🥃 其中包括三款: 1) 余市Single Malt x 50ml (酒精: 45%) 2) 宮城峽 Single Malt x 50ml (酒精: 45%) 3) 竹鶴 Pure Malt x 50ml (酒精: 43%) Nikka Whisky set, limited edition by Yoichi’s whisky distillery. Yoichi is a malt whisky distillery in northern Japan (Hokkaido), owned by whisky distillery company Nikka. It is a highly respected producer. Nikka's founder Masataka Taketsuru, the first Japanese who mastered whisky-making in Scotland and brought this expertise back to Japan. Nikka produces a range of blended whiskies and several single malts from single malts from the Yoichi and Miyagikyo distilleries. The Taketsuru Pure Malt (a blended malt) is one of the distillery's most famous products. This is limited edition by Yoichi’s whisky distillery. 1) Yoichi Single Malt NAS x 50ml (Vol: 45%) 2) Miyagikyo Single Malt NAS x 50ml (Vol: 45%) 3) Taketsuru Pure Malt NAS x 50ml (Vol: 43%) 『根據香港法律,不得在業務過程中,向未成年人售賣或供應令人醺醉的酒類。』 『Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor and tobacco product must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.』




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